Future Library: A Century Unfolds – mid length documentary

It's been a pleasure to be part of this project and see the story unfold through the lens over the years. Filmed over the years in Oslo, London, Reykjavík and Barcelona, the film tells the story, to date, of Katie Paterson’s expansive 100-year artwork, Future Library, based in Oslo, and brings together the artist and the many collaborators who have made it possible.

'Future Library: A Century Unfolds' was commissioned for Katie Paterson’s solo exhibition at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh.

'Future Library' (2014-2114) is commissioned and produced by Bjørvika Utvikling, and managed by the Future Library Trust. Supported by the City of Oslo, Agency for Cultural Affairs and Agency for Urban Environment. | futurelibrary.no


Featuring: Katie Paterson, Liv Sæteren, Anne Beate Hovind, David Mitchell, Sjón, Marion Herrera, Ásgerður Júníusdottir, Margaret Atwood, Hallstein Bjercke, Han Kang, Elif Shafak, Marianne Borgen

[4K version, re-mastered]